
The Association's membership includes educators, practitioners, and public policy makers at all levels from five continents at over 60 countries. It is run by members of the Executive Board consisting of President, Executive Director, Treasurer and Controller, Newsletter Editor along with nine Vice-Presidents who are responsible for various core functions of the Association also maintains Board of Directors with representatives from over thirty countries.

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We urge you to join us and encourage others to do so.

IMDA membership benefits include the following:

  • A subscription to the Journal of Transnational Management Development (quarterly publication)
  • A subscription to the IMDA Newsletter
  • A 25% discount on the books published by the International Business Press (IBP), an imprint of the Haworth Press, Inc.
  • A copy of the Membership Directory
  • Referral on assignments received by the Association
  • A Copy of the Congress proceedings (applicable only to those who are registered congress delegates)

Membership Form (See the left side of the page)


Maastrict 247 Maastrict 278

 If you are interested in joining IMDA-L listserve, please contact the Network Manager Dr. Fahri Karaya at

Correspondence should be addressed to:
Executive Secretary
1201 Stonegate Road
PA 17036

Tel: (717) 566-3054
Fax: (717) 566-1191